At first glance the new DPS looks a lot like the old one, but it soon becomes apparent that it's been supersized. I've tried to make small improvements across the board that together add up to something a lot more powerful.
With the DPS done except for a few bug fixes, over the weekend I took up the last piece of the Standard Edition of ST3. I originally called it the Observing List Generator then decided it was an Observing List Wizard. The thing has been evolving so quickly that naming it was a waste of time. It's been part of the Database Power Search, a separate tool, and as late as last night I was considering an entire new tab on the planner for it!
One way or another by the end of this week it is going to exist outside of my imagination. I think you will all like it. Basically it allows you to quickly create a list of objects to observe on a specific night. The gold standard all along has been that it's 4:00 PM and there's a public star party tonight and you are in charge of having something to show people. "SkyTools, help! I'm in a hurry. Just give me a list!" It does more than that, but this particular application has been the driving force behind the tool. Wish me luck!
Now a word about where we are at: after this last tool is released to the testers I'll still have a lot of loose ends to tie up. There are some bugs that still need fixing and a lot of little things that need smoothing over or to be brought up to par with the rest of the program. So my plan is to call a hiatus for the test group for the month of December. I'll go about getting everything finalized and after the first of the year we will have a real beta test. That should not take long. I will also get the Real Time tool ready and we will start a new test as soon as possible, perhaps even concurrently with the other test. When that's done I want to meet with interested imagers and together we will finalize the imaging features for the Pro Edition. The good news is that SkyTools is like a big pyramid and all this stuff is that little part at the top. So I am hopeful we will see a release early next spring.
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